SH Figuarts Itachi - Sorry I'm Not Good Enough

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Today's entry works on Photograph as the graphic design theme and photo-in-text masking as the motif. It is my first attempt at completely relinquishing the use of diorama in favour of digital background. This was challenging and completely out of my comfort zone of editing and touching up photographs. I think I spent more time brainstorming for design ideas than I did for building backgrounds...

By now my lovely Itachi, today's model from Naruto, should be no stranger to my fellow visitors. S.H. Figuarts is a line of posable action figures manufactured by the giant conglomerate Bandai, and my 1st Itachi action figure. Personally, any given day it's definitely scale over action figures, because the joints are seriously ugly. Plus it comes loaded with tons of exchangeable parts, and I'm usually satisfied with the default pose & outfit that came in the box, so those would be additional empty bucks I paid to sit inside. Or, are they?

Turns out, they're pretty fun, once you get over how hard you have to pull at certain joints and stop fretting over how you might break/ lose a hand or leg. They're especially an asset when it comes to figure photography, or headache depending on your perspective. Because of the million possible poses, it's mainly the latter for me.

He came with 3 face plates - deadpan, mouth agape-angry, and a death smile, and I would mostly be working on the 1st and 3rd (the 2nd one sucked, like, he only showed his wrath ONCE and it was just an illusion & TOTALLY not representative of my gentle Itachi pls zzz)

This shoot was carried out against a blank white styrofoam board - again at the comfort of my doorstep - and then painstakingly cropped out to be transferred to different coloured backgrounds. Since I have been editing this series of photographs over the week, even my mother couldn't resist speaking out what has been in my mind, "Aren't you sick of staring at the same thing already?"

I am.

Between searching for internships, falling sick, and figuring out the direction of my career/future, figure photography has become more of a temporary escape from reality than a pure hobby. I was feeling so sorry for myself that I might have unconsciously projected it into the images - although I was following the context and designing according to the anime (I'm referring to all the sorries, you'll see it soon). The lack of fresh inspirations means I had to extricate myself from staring at the blinking cursor and pull a pre-mature conclusion to this project.

Alas, I've certainly became more sensitive to colour combinations & rethink about the value of typography beyond delivering meanings.

I had no idea how hard it was the find the appropriate comma to represent the great Uchiha's sharingan ~.~

& this kinda looks like a name card eh
-inserts name at blank space-

F-O-R give me... You're supposed to gradually fall forward till F-O-R-G-I-V-E is spelt out...

Who tore my imag-

Glass font - prolly my favourite typography texture

Who says mugshot needs to be black & white

The iconic pose where he first appeared in the manga.

The context was: So I the hottest male in Konoha causally showed up in my village some years after slaughtering my entire clan but please don't mind my arm I'm just causally resting it on my criminal organisation's cloak because it's getting warm in za billow sleeves-

Keeping up with the polaroid design


OK after a final review of the images I daresay I was thankful for persisting through. Even though the images ended up not wholly connected & pretty random in terms of thematic design, I decided to embrace them as different iterations for a single product. I also tried to limit my colour palette to mustard, khaki green, maroon, & purple, although in some instances I carved in & borrowed some beiges & browns. 

If I were to name my favourite, I kinda like the R image with the peeling wallpaper effect.

What about you, lovely stranger?



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