Featured ESPer of the Month - Accelerator

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Accelerator (a funny yet memorable name), one of my earliest childhood anime crushes, enough to warrant me making a bookmark of him. The thing is, I don't even like the anime, To Aru no Railgun, and I dropped To Aru no Majutsu no Index (Raiilgun's sequel) after 3 episodes.

However, this supporting anti-hero has clearly left a strong imprint in my impressionable heart, that after more than 6 years, I decided I need him in my collection. I managed to secure this old figure from a fellow MFC user from Brazil, after some steady nego over e-mail. Obrigado!

Series: To Aru Majutsu no Index II (A Certain Magical Index II)
Manufacturer: Alter
Product Line: ALTAiR
Scale: 1/8
Material: PVC
Sculptor: Fumiki Saitou
Release Date: Feb. 2013

However as far as photoshoot ideas go, I was struggling for inspirations and after procrastinating for months (gulp), I screwed up the first shoot & had to redo this... Anyway, here's the final product; let's step on the pedal and get into acceleration --->

Getting down the ladder to find my model waiting in some dingy basement...

Author's note: Guess what! I just bought this amazing Supernatural-Romance manga called Devilsline, and when I opened Volume 2 to Chapter 7's cover image...

Ryou, H. (2016). Devilsline. Retrieved from http://manga.life/read-online/DevilsLine/chapter-7/index-1/page-5

...BAM, the image trigger for the Aerial shot above. I saw this a while ago while lurking the net but didn't save or know its origin. I'm still feeling pretty amazed at fate's play.

The background was a spark from a Hijikata poster that fell off my wall, which also disrupted my sleep for 2 consecutive nights. Guess some things do happen for a reason eh?

The ladder - a last minute handiwork to add some dimension to the flat backdrop

The concrete floor texture was originally intended as his background, but due to laziness technical issues, it became what it was made for

The faded colour and blue hue was largely inspired by this screenshot. I had to reduce the saturation and vibrancy to take off the peach colour (the figure's pre-painted skin colour) to match this pale white skin tone

While he doesn't look as insane as in the anime, his enlarged eyes and smirk could get creepy from certain angles (which I'm fighting off with trial and error, I need him looking' cool & hot!)

As for the road signs... He's a rule breaker, and unstoppable, so I thought that serves as an irony to his personality >.> And his name sounds like a traffic jargon too

How do you like that touch of crimson glow?

L@@k at those gorgeous shoes! It really pisses me off to see Accelerator cosplayers getting sloppy and wearing sports shoes, like come on don't ruin his image!

That being said, always appreciate a guy who dresses smartly, cosplay or not.

Yoohoo, I'm done!



P.S.: Behind the scenes

The boards are actually the same ones I used for Poison  and I just used the flip side (no pun to fripSide lol) - thank God I kept them!

This was the first shoot I did, and it was so shitty that no amount of editing could save it. However, since I already photographed him, I'll just attach it to this post as memory.

I even did the frigging background, thinking I shall be really original and hone my watercolour skills while I'm at it... Little did I realise the top portion with the most purple was not even in the frame, leaving the silly light purple white sky.

I also went to get these to scale take leaf litters to match that dead town backdrop! Seems I'm better off sticking to paper set ups...

School's starting next week, so it's gonna be December before I can post (& I've ran out of scales too, pre-orders otw though!). This has been a fun and productive July/August, thank you for visiting, you are the best! ;]


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