Built From Scratch #3 - Leaning Tower of Lancer

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Borders courtesy of Calligraphic borders collection. (2015). Retrieved from: http://www.freepik.com/free-vector/calligraphic-borders-collection_759750.htm#term=border&page=1&position=1

My mother popped by my room as I was editing the photos.

"Show me what you took." I shrugged and silently loaded all the completed photos for Her Majesty. 

"Is that all?" She commented as she wrinkled her nose and easily shook off all the sweat and eye power I have poured into this.

"There are more, I'm still editing," I replied defensively while my confidence withered under her displeased eyes. Are these no good?

"Why roses?" She then asked, rather skeptically. Hah, finally something I'm confident about.

"Well, he was dead because of love."


For those who have read my previous post, it'll be no secret that I'm smitten with Lancer, one of the Heroic Spirits from the Fate/Zero series. Long lauded as one of the best anime that has been released (this is your cue to watch it if you heaven't already), the intricacy of the storyline and on-point animation is simply put, a feast for the (otaku's) eye. Although for a romance junkie like me, my love for this series has less to do with the epic battles than a certain character.

"Hmmm, I wonder who that is."

Come on Lancer, wipe that swexy smirk off, you know it's you. And those lashes gosh-

Just to get the usual figure details out of the way:

Series: Fate/Zero
Manufacturer: Megahouse
Product Line: M.M.S. Collection
Scale: 1/8
Material: ABS, PVC
Sculptor: Arai Kyousuke
Release Date: 06/06/2013

Also, Lancer isn't really his name, it's just one of the classes of the Heroic Spirit that he was summoned as.

"That's right, my lady. My real name is called Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, the first Lancer of the Knights of Fianna. A pleasure to meet you."

Did I mention he's a knight? Forget knights in shining armour, who cares for those hard pieces of bulky and unfashionable metal in this age of skinnies and ripping muscles?

As with every Built From Scratch series, I usually begin with a rough plan of what I had in mind as the backdrop for Lancer. Clearly, the feature of this would be the wall of roses, and as mentioned above, I chose roses as it runs parallel with his backstory. The colour red also evokes associations with blood and passion, both of which perfectly captures his identity as a fighter and dedication to his Knighthood. 

Using this pack of A4 red paper that I have bought ages ago, cut out stripes of 15 mm paper - 1 piece of A4 should give you 14 roses.

Thanks to Tadashi Mori's video tutorial, I was able to confidently produce a decent rose after 50 tries... As much as I love Lancer, it was a real pain to do up all these roses. I was cursing and shaking my head as I glanced at the endless pile of stripes - I was not enjoying myself.

After about 5 days (?), I managed to fold too much roses (more curses!) and proceeded to do up the walls with these A3 black corrugated foam boards measuring 450 x 300 x 5 mm THK. As this is one of those just-nice sets where I mainly do close ups, its height of 300 mm covers the camera lens just nice to create a context. You can vary the breadth of the wall to your preference, and in theory the wider it is the more ease and room for interesting angles/shots. However, if you're lazy like me but still want to do something different, then here are the rest of the just-nice measurements:

Left wall: 170 x 300 (board's given HT) x 50 mm
Middle (Back) wall:  275 x 300 x 50 mm
Right wall (Rose wall): 220 x 300 x 50 mm (slightly longer than left wall to allow more coverage when photographing, without revealing the surroundings [aka real world])

The rectangular hole that I have cut in the photo above measures 60 x 100 mm. Its location was determined after considering Lancer's eye level and mimicking those narrow medieval windows to create an imprisoned feel.

Here's the completed prisoner's window, adorned with vines made from floral sticks, and tiny leaves cut out from some leftover green textured paper from my Landscape Archi days.

And finally, it's bedtime.

A few days later...

7:10 AM: Alarm rings
7:20 AM: Peels myself off bed
7:23 AM: Walks to window and realise it's frigging good weather, then proceeds to hastily get ready
7:30 AM: Done with morning routine and began sipping 90°C milo w cereal while playing Tales of Link
7:40 AM: Realised that I've took my damn sweet time drinking and playing my phone, and began a mad dash towards Bishan Park
7:45 AM:

pants* sweats*

I was too late, the mighty sun waits for no man.

Ok strictly speaking, this was actually taken after the shoot, but just to make my point, the spot where I set up my camp was fully unsheltered and within seconds my entire back was soaked. To make matters worse, the floor was mostly wet from yesterday's downpour and yea, now even my shorts were soaked. OK no matter, it's business time.

So starting from the left wall...

Sunlight was generously bursting through the metal paper bars after I haphazardly glued the boards together and attached the lances into Lancer's fists.

And yes, he's ambidextrous! As though having mastery over those lances and those biceps ain't enough!

As though sitting and kneeing on puddles of dirty rainwater wasn't enough, the red lance frigging broke on me. However, at that point, nothing was stopping me from getting this shoot done and thankfully for UHU glue, I was able to make-do with a slightly crooked lance...

Looking at the photos now, I was really lucky that it was the longer red lance that snapped; most of the time the lance was chopped off by the camera anyway, thank the Heroic Spirits.

Figure photographers and Youtube reviewers always make it look so easy and hassle-free when changing the interchangeable parts. In reality, it made me perspire to no end and really, just biting my lips while hoping nothing else would break. Not the arm, not the face please...!

Trying to go for the inner, hidden world of Lancer's mind feel with the torn frame and grave expression... Oh Lancer, what were you thinking about?

"I'm sorry, Master. Please do not, ever forgive me for forsaking my duty as a Knight, and stealing away with your fiancé."

The Deputy Head of Armoury and Logistics was just heading for the East Gate as he caught Lancer gazing out of the palace's window.

"Good day, Sir Diarmuid! Are you heading for the training fields soon?"

"Aye, I have... An urgent errand to attend to." The Deputy Head nodded understandingly, failing to catch on to the momentary flash of darkness across Lancer's eye, skilfully masked by his easy and dashing smile. 

"Is that so? Please take care on your way, and send my regards to the King, would you?"

"The King huh." Lancer felt his thoughts faltered and resolve shaking, but quickly looked down, shoving the rational and steadfast Knight within him into oblivion.

"I have already made up my mind, and I shall have no more second thoughts. For it is her, it is no doubt the right decision."


After deciding I have soaked up enough Vitamin D for the day, I sluggishly packed my things and called it a day. However along the way back, I grew more indignant at the excess container of roses that I have failed to utilise, and took a detour to the Lily Pond for some extra shots.

Going for that bottom up, I'm-in-awe-of-his-powers shot

Look here, Diarmuid! *swoons*

It was also at this moment that I realised I could turn his head___________ Good job TT

Looking for somethin', or looking hot?

*Ignores me and continues to stare at the lilies*

"...As an individual stalk, it already commands so much attention. Lord can I imagine the power it wields during full bloom!"

"Right, my lady?" He turned around when I realised I was still staring ogling at his back and failed to catch his previous sentence.

"Y-Yes, you're right!" That smile of yours, it's so unfair. You better not smile that radiantly to other girls!

That concludes my photoshoot (at long last, phew!) and to everyone who have made it till here, thank you for visiting my blog and allowing me to share a little piece of me with you.

For the ladies, I hope Diarmuid's smile has brightened up your day (mine certainly has, hehe), and for the gents, it does not matter if you cannot wield a lance or flash a smile that can stop the traffic - just be your very best self, the version that you're proud of, and capture that lady's heart with your clumsy candour and sincerity ;)


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